Iota phi theta
Iota phi theta

iota phi theta

We have allowed students to be able to fully choose for themselves which organization they want to be a part of, if they are interested in being a part of NPHC greek chapters.Attorney Ali is a practicing trial attorney and activist. We are not resting upon other organizations. “This community is able to say this campus fully respects and are advocates for these nontraditional student organizations. “By having Iota here, it means this campus has finally embraced cultural edification,” Williams said. They both said they are ready to make an impact on this campus and in the community. Williams and Cooper both said that with Iota being chartered at K-State, they have trail-blazed the path for future leaders at K-State. Williams also said that one of the most important parts of the Iota constitution that pertained to the inaugural line was “each man, though one man among many men, is still very much himself with or without Iota.” He said the men worked to be better students, better friends, better siblings and better brothers. Williams said the men of the inaugural line of Iota were challenged. It will be a lifelong endeavor for all of us involved in this fraternity.” This organization has been cherished by so many people before I was even born, and it will be cherished long after all of us are gone. “To me, Iota means starting a tradition and building that up for future men,” Cooper said. The other three members who crossed with Williams and Cooper were Trevelle Stewart, treasurer of Iota and junior in fine arts, and Melvin Thomas and Manuel Bryant, who both live in Warrensburg, Kan. He said he is excited to see the service these members bring to K-State and Manhattan. McNeil also said the men that were chosen for the first line to cross Iota at K-State have the drive and determination to be outstanding in their service to the K-State and Manhattan communities. McNeal said that students will now be able to chose from all five Divine Nine fraternity chapters. Joseph McNeil, resident of Overland Park, dean of pledges for Iota and state coordinator of Iota for Kansas and Missouri, said there are a couple of things that make this important to K-State and Manhattan. Williams wanted to bring Iota to K-State in order for K-State to have all nine historically African-American greek chapters affiliated with the Divine Nine.

iota phi theta

Throughout the entire two-year process, Tyrone Williams, president of Iota and senior in dance, social economics and business management, has been a part of it. In the international perspective, everyone will know about Theta Eta chapter at Kansas State University.” “It’s an amazing feeling being a chartered member, not only for this chapter but for the entire state. “It’s an overwhelming feeling to be a part of something bigger than myself ,” said Zachary Cooper, vice president of Iota and freshman in marketing. This is the first time the Iotas have been at K-State and this is the only chapter of Iota Phi Theta fraternity in the entire state of Kansas. On the fraternity’s national 50th anniversary, the Theta Eta chapter was brought to K-State. was founded nationally at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Md. One of the newest additions to the K-State campus has been the Theta Eta chapter of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc., which joined into K-State this past weekend. In the history of K-State, there have been many opportunities for multicultural students to get involved. The Iota men are Zachary Cooper, freshman in marketing, Tyrone Williams, senior in dance, social economics and business management, Melvin Thomas and Manuel Bryant, online students, and Trevelle Stewart, junior in fine arts. The Theta Eta chapter of Iota Phi Theta crossed the yard at K-State on Saturday.

Iota phi theta